Mo Throw
"Every throw, may save a Bro" All funds raised will be donated directly to Movember
"Every throw, may save a Bro" All funds raised will be donated directly to Movember
Not your average tournament, something a little different...... Everyone will receive two discs that will be used for this competition, a glow Axiom Envy (Putter) and a glow Axiom Paradox (Mid-Range). These are the discs that everyone will use to compete.
We have moved our last league day of the year from November to December to avoid clashing with the Australian Disc Golf Championships.
Come join us for a casual summer league over 4 weeks in January 2024 to start the year.
Come join us for a casual summer league over 4 weeks in January 2024 to start the year.
Come join us for a casual summer league over 4 weeks in January 2024 to start the year.