‘Hurray!’ cried Big Al, springing up. ‘Here are our noble Disc Golfers! Make way for <Insert Winners Here>, Lords of the Disc!’
‘Hush!’ said Bandy from the shadows at the back of the tent. ‘Chain-outs on the drive do not come unto Rob Hancock, but all the same, we should not name them ‘Two’s. The Lord of the Disc is a Disc Golfer, and a master of the Dark course of Rob Hancock, whose power is again stretching out over the course.’ Well, you get the idea.

The Perth Disc Golf Club (PDGC) 2019 Lord of the Disc (LotD) at the Rob Hancock Memorial Course in Greenwood, began at dusk and continued well into the still Saturday night. The evening was marked by the glow of discs arcing across the night, into baskets lit by the fires of Mordor (and LEDs). The humidity was overwhelming but did not dampen the fervour of the 20-odd players who gathered to enjoy one of the more unique events in the Perth Disc Golf calendar. Lord of the Disc is a single-disc tournament consisting of 3 rounds of 9 holes. The first round plays out in the fading light of the afternoon, followed by two further rounds at night. LED lights are fixed to the discs to aid in tracking them, and the baskets are lit so that players have a visibly perceptible target. Much like your simple, staid daytime rounds, you win by scoring the lowest number of shots .
Darkness is no friend to a Disc golfer, young Hobbits.
The competition was fierce across all grades, the difference between winning or losing coming down to a smattering of single digits.
The Lords of the disc 2019 are as follows:
Masters: Del Batey
Open: Paul Nosen
Men’s Advanced: David Briggs
Mens Intermediate:
Jim Gloriod
Men’s Recreation: Jonathon King
Men’s Novice: Richard Jones
Best Lit Basket: James Fawcett
Masters: Del Batey, achieving a personal (daytime/all-time) best of 54, which is remarkable considering achieved it with a single disc and in the dark.
Open: Paul Noesen, who demonstrated that he could handle the Truth (Dynamic Discs, mid-range.)
Men’s Advanced: David Briggs narrowly taking the win in a playoff with Robert Lim. Dave demonstrated that a Turkey could take the heat.
Men’s Intermediate: Jim Gloriod took a solid win, earned with some stellar shots. Not that we could see. Jim confided in his card that he has eyes on the Masters division.
Men’s Novice: Richard Jones owned the course with some superb forehand action on the last two rounds. He card-mates were often left speechless after watching Richard’s throws.
Men’s Recreation: Jonathan King took his first tournament, and a memorable one. PDGC welcomes your Lord King.
Best Lit Basket: James Fawcett, who lit up our lives with cyclic basket lighting and creative grass-tree decorations, using glow tubes.

‘How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on… when in your heart you begin to understand… there is no more throwing? There are some things that throws cannot mend… some misses that go too deep… that should have ended in a basket.’ Wise words indeed.
The 2019 LotD was a successful event big thanks go to PDGC president Big Al for running it. Bring on 2020 and a new crop of Lord of the Discs, will they be worthy.
Thanks to our guest ghost writer
Mr Chuck Hyzer
Photos courtesy of Chris Himing at360 World Photography